- Milano -

Ultima occasione per visitare Dinos Alive! Sbrigati! Ultima occasione per visitare Dinos Alive! Sbrigati!
00 giorni
00 ore
00 minuti
00 secondi
    Un'esperienza originale di
  • Un'esperienza originale di
  • +40
    Dinosauri Animati
    e di Grandezza
  • Adatto a tutte le età
  • Esperienza

Dinos Alive Un'esperienza immersiva Milano

Recensioni di Dinos Alive


Cosa pensano le persone della nostra mostra Dinos Alive

  • Sarah O.

    Fun experience, great activities for the kids, well worth it, my kids had a blast, the art work on the wall outside was amazing.

  • Canaan H.

    I took my partner and we really enjoyed the exhibit! A lot of dinosaurs to look at and the VR experience was really cool too. Would definitely recommend!

  • Rowena M.

    It was great! Very organized and clean! My son had so much fun.

  • Lidya C.

    We had a great experience! Well organized and health protocols were in place. Beautiful exhibits and some fun interactive ones for kids. Highly recommend.

  • Armando R.

    The exhibit is great with fun activities for the kids. Dinosaurs seem life-like in size and appearance. Would definitely recommend it to all ages!

  • Stephanie M.

    The Dinos Alive Exhibit was better than I imagined. There were a substantial number of dinosaurs exhibited accompanied by video. The lighting and decor added to the experience. The interactive stations were great…both my 3 year old grandson and my 23 year old daughter enjoyed them.

  • Daniel C.

    Absolutely thrilling!

  • Max S.

    A beautiful experience. With beautiful colors. Really enjoyed it!

  • Sarah O.

    Fun experience, great activities for the kids, well worth it, my kids had a blast, the art work on the wall outside was amazing.

  • Canaan H.

    I took my partner and we really enjoyed the exhibit! A lot of dinosaurs to look at and the VR experience was really cool too. Would definitely recommend!

  • Rowena M.

    It was great! Very organized and clean! My son had so much fun.

  • Lidya C.

    We had a great experience! Well organized and health protocols were in place. Beautiful exhibits and some fun interactive ones for kids. Highly recommend.

  • Armando R.

    The exhibit is great with fun activities for the kids. Dinosaurs seem life-like in size and appearance. Would definitely recommend it to all ages!

  • Stephanie M.

    The Dinos Alive Exhibit was better than I imagined. There were a substantial number of dinosaurs exhibited accompanied by video. The lighting and decor added to the experience. The interactive stations were great…both my 3 year old grandson and my 23 year old daughter enjoyed them.

  • Daniel C.

    Absolutely thrilling!

  • Max S.

    A beautiful experience. With beautiful colors. Really enjoyed it!

  • Sarah O.

    Fun experience, great activities for the kids, well worth it, my kids had a blast, the art work on the wall outside was amazing.

  • Canaan H.

    I took my partner and we really enjoyed the exhibit! A lot of dinosaurs to look at and the VR experience was really cool too. Would definitely recommend!

  • Rowena M.

    It was great! Very organized and clean! My son had so much fun.

  • Lidya C.

    We had a great experience! Well organized and health protocols were in place. Beautiful exhibits and some fun interactive ones for kids. Highly recommend.

  • Armando R.

    The exhibit is great with fun activities for the kids. Dinosaurs seem life-like in size and appearance. Would definitely recommend it to all ages!

  • Stephanie M.

    The Dinos Alive Exhibit was better than I imagined. There were a substantial number of dinosaurs exhibited accompanied by video. The lighting and decor added to the experience. The interactive stations were great…both my 3 year old grandson and my 23 year old daughter enjoyed them.

  • Daniel C.

    Absolutely thrilling!

  • Max S.

    A beautiful experience. With beautiful colors. Really enjoyed it!

Informazioni pratiche

  1. Data: Novembre 2024
  2. Orari di apertura: (slot ogni mezz'ora)
    • Lunedì, Mercoledì e Giovedì: 10:00 - 19:00
    • Martedì: Chiuso
    • Venerdì: 10:00 - 20:00
    • Sabato: 9:00 - 20:00
    • Domenica e festivi: 9:00 - 18:00
  3. Durata: la visita dura circa 45-75 minuti.
  4. Sede: Via Barnaba Oriani, 27
  5. Accessibilità: la sede è accessibile alle sedie a rotelle


  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "This walk-through, family-friendly event will entertain amateur palaeontologists of any age with over 40 realistic, life-size installations and moving dinosaur replicas."
    Irish Examiner
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "This is amazing" "It feels like you're in Jurassic Park"
    Ireland AM
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience, a necessity"
    Irish Independent
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "...travel back to the dino era for a roaring good time"
    Raleigh Magazine
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "Everything in here looks so realistic...such a fun experience for both parents and kids"
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "This walk-through, family-friendly event will entertain amateur palaeontologists of any age with over 40 realistic, life-size installations and moving dinosaur replicas."
    Irish Examiner
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "This is amazing" "It feels like you're in Jurassic Park"
    Ireland AM
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience, a necessity"
    Irish Independent
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "...travel back to the dino era for a roaring good time"
    Raleigh Magazine
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "Everything in here looks so realistic...such a fun experience for both parents and kids"
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "This walk-through, family-friendly event will entertain amateur palaeontologists of any age with over 40 realistic, life-size installations and moving dinosaur replicas."
    Irish Examiner
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "This is amazing" "It feels like you're in Jurassic Park"
    Ireland AM
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience, a necessity"
    Irish Independent
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "...travel back to the dino era for a roaring good time"
    Raleigh Magazine
  •  - Mostra Dinos Alive Milano: Un'esperienza immersiva
    "Everything in here looks so realistic...such a fun experience for both parents and kids"

    Include un costume da dinosauro per bambini con biglietti VIP. Possono indossarlo durante l'esposizione, se lo desiderano!


  • Visite scolastiche e gruppi educativi

    Accogliamo tutti i gruppi educativi, comprese le scuole, i campeggi e i centri sociali. Iscriviti, prenota i biglietti e paga in seguito. (10+ persone)
  • Grandi gruppi

    Prenota senza problemi biglietti per gruppi numerosi (oltre 25 persone). Scopri un mondo di divertimento su misura per le preferenze e le esigenze di ogni gruppo a Dinos Alive.
  • Eventi privati e aziendali

    Organizza il tuo evento aziendale o una sessione di team-building in un ambiente unico. È lo spazio ideale per riunire il tuo team e rafforzare legami più solidi.

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Dinos Alive app

L'app Dinos Alive è uno strumento essenziale per gli archeologi in erba. Con essa è possibile cercare qualsiasi dinosauro e persino acquistare i biglietti. Gli scienziati più giovani possono anche scansionare i codici QR contenenti ulteriori informazioni su ogni dinosauro!

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Dinos Alive app

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Informazioni sugli organizzatori

Exhibition Hub organizer

Exhibition Hub

Exhibition Hub ha una comprovata esperienza nella produzione di oltre 70 mostre ed esperienze immersive di intrattenimento educativo in tutto il mondo, raggiungendo più di 6 milioni di visitatori. Exhibition Hub offre esperienze di intrattenimento educativo a un pubblico ampio e adatta le sue produzioni alla sede, creando ogni volta un'esperienza originale.

Offrono un'esperienza spettacolare di video, luci e musica a 360° e un'esperienza di realtà virtuale unica nel suo genere che completa l'esperienza immersiva.

Fever organizer


Fever è la principale piattaforma globale di scoperta dell'intrattenimento, che aiuta oltre 60 milioni di persone ogni mese a scoprire le migliori esperienze nelle loro città. Attraverso la sua piattaforma, Fever ispira gli utenti a vivere le migliori esperienze locali, dai concerti al teatro, alla musica dal vivo, alle esperienze immersive e ai pop-up, consentendo agli organizzatori di eventi di creare nuovi contenuti originali.


Exhibition Hub & Fever


Secret Milano